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Are you a subcontractor?  Setting up a limited company gives you control over the affairs of the company by being a director and a shareholder.  It is an efficient way to increase earnings whilst reducing your Tax. Afadlink has helped numerous company to set up limited companies.

Benefit of setting up a Limited Company

Tax Efficiency : Unlike Paye, Limited Company Tax is 20%. This is applied after expenses have been claimed.

Claimable Expenses: A wide list of legitimate expenses can be claimed such as

  1. Accountancy fee
  2. Mileage Claim
  3. Professional Subscription
  4. Bank Charges
  5. General Business Travel
  6. Use of Home as Office
  7. Business Accommodation and Subsistence
  8. Mobile, Internet,and Telephone
  9. Postage and Faxing
  10. Training Cost
  11. Technical Book and Journals
  12. Equipment purchased for Business purposes
  13. Computer Hardware and Software